Southern Regional Technology & Recreation Center

Constructed to fulfill a 20-year-old promise to an underserved community outside Washington, DC, the Southern Regional Technology & Recreation Complex sets a benchmark for a quality public facility offering a safe place to be physically active. The design of the 37,000 SF recreation complex promotes the client’s mission to improve health and wellness – including combatting a significant increase in obesity and related issues, as well as fostering social interaction and healthy living for all ages.

The signature element of the design is a sweeping arc of glass that characterizes the main façade. This multi-colored expanse reflects the surrounding neighborhood and is a testament to the community’s participation and pride in the facility. To highlight this focal element and respect the modest residential context, the massing strategy shifts the gymnasium to the rear of the site, while the concourse is street-facing. The concourse houses most of the building’s program and uncloaks the active functions, including exercise areas and classrooms, ordinarily hidden from view. The design of the Southern Regional Technology & Recreation Complex was recognized as Public Building of the Year by AIA Maryland in 2015.

This work was designed and completed by Suman Sorg while at Sorg Architects.
